A leading book agent is about to board this elevator with you. Are you ready share the premise of your novel?
You won’t want to recite from memory! Instead, be ready with clear, concise key points in mind.
The doors are closing. It’s time to pitch your premise!
In thinking about your premise, start with the CHARACTER at the center of the action.
When the character information seems correct, click the [Next] button.
Now it’s time to consider the INTENTION that motivates that character.
When the character’s motivation seems clear, click the [Next] button.
Fiction authors seldom give their central characters an easy life. As the novel begins, a significan OBSTACLE is likely to be seen.
That’s it! Click the [Next] button to continue.
The information you’ve input will be formed into a first-draft premise pitch. That may take a few minutes to arrive at your email address. Also, it might wind up in your “junk” folder.
Please note that your premise is yours… not anyone elses… to share! SecondEyesEditorial will not disclose it or your confidential information!
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